How Can You Benefit from Body Contouring After Weight Loss?

What are the benefits of body contouring surgery? Our Vancouver area patients who are considering these types of procedures may wonder whether it’s a good choice for them. During bariatric surgery, changes are made to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Patients often turn to weight loss surgery as a last resort if they are experiencing serious health problems because of severe obesity and haven’t been able to lose enough weight with diet or exercise. After weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery, patients can expect dramatic changes to their body within the first year. Within twelve to eighteen months, they will have likely lost over one hundred pounds.

One of the things many patients don’t usually expect from major weight loss is that they may be left with excess sagging skin that can only be fixed with cosmetic surgery. There may be changes to your body shape or contours due to excess, saggy skin, and loss of muscle mass. It’s normal for some loose skin to be left behind. This occurs because your skin may not have an adequate amount of elasticity to snap back into place after you have lost weight. Even though you may be feeling physically and mentally better, the presence of excess skin can cause other physical and emotional challenges, such as physical discomfort, skin irritation, and poor body image.

Body contouring is a type of plastic surgery that involves tightening skin, shaping different areas of the body, and removing excess fat. Common examples include tucks, lifts, and liposuction. Body contouring surgery can often be the final part of a patient’s weight loss journey. It can also be beneficial for those who simply want to maximize their workout results or are struggling with other concerns such as separated abdominal muscles. Procedures such as an upper body lift, brachioplasty (arm lift) and tummy tuck can remove excess skin and tissue while reshaping the tissue for a smoother, firmer appearance. During these procedures, we make cuts to remove tissue from certain areas and sculpt smoother contours. We customize each procedure to suit your unique needs.

Want to learn more about the benefits of body contouring after weight loss? Contact Vancouver area’s Dr. Owen Reid for more details. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

What Can Liposuction Do for You?

Is liposuction worth it? Our Vancouver area-based team know that this is probably one of the questions that’s on your mind if you are thinking about have cosmetic treatments to achieve slimmer and more defined body contours or target stubborn fat. Excess fat can be stored on the abdominal area, thighs, waistline, back, below the chin and many other areas. Even for people who are very fit and close to their ideal body weight, there may be one or more areas that they can’t seem to tone up as much as they want to because of deposits of resistant fat. If you want to reshape your body contours and increase your overall attractiveness, cosmetic surgery makes that possible. By reducing a small amount of fat from virtually any area of the body, you can improve your body shape. Although it’s commonly used for the hips, saddlebags and stomach area, liposuction can also reshape many other areas. In this post, we’ll explore some of the things that liposuction can and can’t do, if you’re thinking about having this procedure.

What Liposuction Can’t Treat

Before delving into the benefits of liposuction, it’s first necessary to explore the truth about what liposuction can’t do. Although there are numerous benefits associated with liposuction, there are certain things that it should not treat. It’s not designed to be a weight loss treatment, a treatment for obesity, a fast track to a fit body or a way to reduce cellulite. If you’re a smoker, have chronic health problems, are overweight, or have sagging skin then you should avoid liposuction. Your weight won’t dramatically change after liposuction, as it only treats small areas of fat. It also isn’t a substitute for exercise.

What Liposuction Can Treat

Liposuction has been a popular body contouring procedure for decades. The main benefits of this procedure are that it boosts your self-confidence, enhances curves, reduces unwanted fat, makes clothing fit better, and defines the contours of the body. Another major advantage of liposuction is how efficient it is. Non-invasive fat reduction procedures often require multiple sessions for optimal results, and it can take months for their results to be noticeable. In contrast, liposuction is usually completed in just one procedure and results are more dramatic compared to non-surgical options.

Is liposuction worth it? Our Vancouver area-based team at the office of Dr. Owen Reid will explain more. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

Will Implants Lift Your Breasts?

What is the best procedure for sagging breasts? Our Vancouver area-based practice gets asked this question frequently by patients who want to address loose skin and restore a lifted appearance to the breasts. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging can cause the breasts to droop. As there are so many options available, it may sometimes be difficult to know which is best for you. Breast augmentation is one way of enhancing the appearance of the breasts, but this isn’t the only option for improving their shape. We can recommend the best option for you based on the condition of your breasts and your goals. In this post, we’ll explore some of the factors you will need to consider when choosing a breast surgery procedure to lift the breasts.

Although breast augmentation with implants can sometimes address cases of very mild sagging by restoring volume, in most cases implants won’t be enough to lift sagging breasts. Breast augmentation is focused on the size and shape of the breasts rather than their position on the chest.

If your primary goal is to restore a more youthful, perky, firmer, and aesthetically pleasing shape to your breasts, then you might want to consider a breast lift instead. This procedure does not involve the use of implants at all. The existing breast tissue is manipulated and reshaped as a way of lifting and tightening the breasts. A breast lift is ideal for addressing sagging, drooping, or asymmetry a patient may be experiencing because of pregnancy, aging, weight fluctuations, or other factors.

It’s important to remember that a breast lift does not involve adding volume, so it is a better option for someone who already has a sufficient amount of natural breast tissue. The results can often be more subtle for this surgery and natural looking compared to implants. If you are mostly happy with the size of your breasts but want to improve their tightness and position, then a breast lift may be what you need.  For many patients, combining a breast lift with a breast augmentation may mean the best of both worlds as volume is added while the tissues are reshaped to create a perkier appearance.

What is the best procedure for sagging breasts? Our Vancouver area-based team at the office of Dr. Owen Reid will explain more. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.

5 Things You Should Know If You’re Considering Breast Reduction

Patients are often curious about what to know before having a breast reduction. Our Vancouver area practice believes that this surgery can be beneficial for many patients. Breast reduction involves reducing the size and weight of the breasts to make them smaller. Some individuals choose to undergo breast reduction for cosmetic reasons, such as wanting lighter breasts that are more proportionate to their body while others may want relief from physical discomfort caused by very large breasts. Breast reduction is often recommended for women who are experiencing problems such as feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment, pain in the neck, shoulders, or back, headaches, deep bra grooves on their shoulders, rashes or skin infections, posture problems, and challenges with finding clothing that fits properly or participating in physical activities. Regardless of your reason for wanting this surgery, it can be helpful to know what to expect.

  1. It Will Be Difficult to Predict Your Eventual Cup Size

Although you may have an idea of what you want to look like and what you hope your new cup size will be, it can be difficult to predict this, and you won't necessarily go down alphabetically. The priority should be achieving symmetrical, balanced new breasts that complement your body shape, regardless of cup size.

  1. You Won't Be Able to Exercise for a While

It's best to work out when your body feels ready; don't assume you can handle a trip to the gym right away even after you've healed. Even when you're ready to exercise again, it can take some time to get used to, especially if you haven't been active for a while due to large breasts. The great thing is that it can feel incredible to get back to activities you used to enjoy.

  1. You'll Feel Better Right Away

Patients will instantly feel lighter after skin and fat have been removed from the chest. Furthermore, some believe this surgery can provide relief from emotional strain as well.

  1. You Might Go Down a Shirt Size or More

Shopping for clothes that fit you can be challenging if you have large breasts, even if you're in great shape otherwise. It's likely that you'll go down at least one shirt size, and your body shape will look more proportional after breast reduction.

  1. Recovery Is Important

You might not think much about how much downtime you'll need for this procedure, but the truth is the recovery time is different for everyone. Give yourself enough time before you go back to your normal activities.

For more advice on what to know before having a breast reduction, contact our Vancouver area-based team at the office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.

5 Myths About Breast Augmentation Debunked

Curious about what you should know before getting breast augmentation? Our Vancouver area-based team at the office of Dr. Owen Reid believes that there are some things patients should be aware of before they undergo this surgery. Although there’s so much information available about breast implants, there are still so many misconceptions about the procedure. In this post, we’ll debunk five of the most common myths and misconceptions about breast augmentation.

Myth 1: Implants Can Lift Sagging Breasts

The truth is that breast augmentation can’t lift sagging breasts and make them perkier, except in very mild cases of sagging. Patients may need to combine a breast augmentation with a breast lift or have a breast lift on its own if their goal is mainly to elevate and reshape the breasts.

Myth 2: Breast Implants Will Need to Be Replaced Frequently

Implants are designed to be very long-lasting, and, in many cases, patients have them for decades. Even after twenty years or more, they may still look very natural. There’s no need to have them replaced unless the patient is experiencing a complication such as rupture or capsular contracture. You should get regular MRIs, breast exams, or other reviews regularly so that any issues with the breast or implants can be identified.

Myth 3: Breast Implants Always Look and Feel Fake

There’s a common myth that breast implants always look fake or unnatural, but this is far from the case. Many patients believe that the best implants are the ones that look real and it’s entirely possible to achieve this. Techniques can be used to ensure that the breasts look as natural as possible. For example, an under the muscle placement can often create a more natural-looking curve for the breasts.

Myth 4: Breast Implants Prevent You from Breastfeeding

In most cases, it will still be possible to breastfeed when you have implants.

Myth 5: They’re Only for Younger Women

Although younger women often choose breast implants, women from other age groups may also be eligible for this surgery. There are many reasons why they might decide to undergo this surgery, such as wanting to restore more youthful breasts or address changes caused by pregnancy.

For more advice on what you should know before breast augmentation, contact Our Vancouver area-based team at the office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.

How Can You Know If You’re a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

One we get asked a lot by patients is, “How do you know if you’re a candidate for liposuction?” and our Vancouver area team at the practice of Dr. Owen Reid believes that the best way to find out for sure is to meet with us for a consultation. Each individual’s situation is different and candidates will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine which cosmetic surgery option will be the best choice for them. Although it would be the ideal if body fat was distributed evenly throughout the body or was mainly in the areas we want it to be, most of us have one or more “problem areas” where excess fat lingers that we can’t seem to address on our own.

For example, for some people it may be difficult to lose fat from the belly area while for others the flanks, hips, upper arms, below the chin, or thighs might be areas they wish they could tone up more. Hormones, genetics, aging, and other factors that are mostly outside of our control have the biggest impact on how our body stores fat. Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that involves the use of a device called a cannula to suction fat away from specific areas. For this reason, it can be the ideal solution for targeting stubborn fat on problem areas to restore slimmer, more streamlined contours. If this procedure sounds like it could be what you need, here are some basic factors that would make you an ideal candidate:

  • You are within thirty percent of your ideal weight
  • You have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
  • You are healthy and don’t have any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that could inhibit your ability to heal
  • You have a positive outlook and specific body contouring goals
  • You’re looking to remove small fat deposits located on any area of the body that don’t respond to diet or exercise
  • You’re not looking for a weight loss tool
  • You’re a non-smoker

How do you know if you’re a candidate for liposuction? Our Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid can provide answers to this and other questions you may have about plastic surgery. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

What Are the Benefits of a Drainless Tummy Tuck?

Are drainless tummy tucks better? Vancouver area patients who visit our office are often curious about this. The midsection can be a problem area for many people. Due to genetics, hormones or their natural body fat distribution, some people have the tendency to carry more weight on the belly area and even after losing weight, they may not be able to make this area look as toned as they want it to. Aging, weight fluctuations and pregnancy can leave you with sagging skin on the belly area that’s uncomfortable and negatively affects your quality of life. Another concern that some patients have is separated stomach muscles or diastasis recti because of pregnancy, improper exercise techniques or other causes. Tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasties, are a form of cosmetic surgery that improve the appearance of the abdominal area. They can involve the tightening or removal of sagging skin, reduction of fat, and repairing of separated sit-up muscles to restore a tighter, flatter, and smaller stomach.

There are various techniques used in tummy tucks. As of 2020, our practice uses quilting sutures, instead of drains, in all tummy tuck surgeries. Our drainless tummy tuck technique provides optimized results and the shortest, easiest recovery. Here’s what you should know about how drainless tummy tucks work and what the benefits of this technique are.

Traditionally, tummy tuck patients needed to have drains for several days following the procedure to prevent fluid accumulation, but many patients considered this to be an uncomfortable and inconvenient aspect of the surgery. Additionally, when post-operative drains are used, there’s a higher risk of scarring and infection. Luckily, as techniques have become more advanced, there are new options available for patients. A drainless tummy tuck is performed with a technique that gets rid of the need for post-surgical drains. Dr. Reid starts by using liposuction to reduce stubborn abdominal fat so that less surgical intervention is needed to sculpt your midsection area. He then will address the skin and muscle tissue. A layered suturing technique is used to allow your recovery process to be drain-free. The recovery process for a drainless tummy tuck is generally smoother and less complicated compared to a traditional tummy tuck procedure and scars typically heal better.

Are drainless tummy tucks better? Our Vancouver-based office of Dr. Owen Reid can explain more. Call 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

Breast Augmentation FAQs: Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions for First-Time Patients

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area team knows that patients are often curious about the benefits of this procedure. For patients who feel like their breasts are too small or asymmetrical, breast augmentation can be an excellent way to boost self-esteem. It also has plenty of other physical and mental benefits. Knowledge is power when it comes to cosmetic surgery. If you want to get the best results from plastic surgery, it’s recommended that you do your own homework and that you come to your consultation with an open mind about discussing your options. It’s a good idea to look at before and after photos and learn about what to expect during recovery. If you’re considering breast augmentation for the first time but have questions about what to expect from the procedure, be sure to check out our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about this type of cosmetic surgery.

  • Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Patients who are in good health, are not pregnant or breastfeeding, have realistic expectations, and have breasts that have fully developed are the best candidates for breast augmentation. If you feel like your breasts are too small, are dissatisfied with their shape or volume, feel like the upper part of the breasts are too empty, or feel like your breasts are too asymmetrical or elongated then breast augmentation could be right for you.

  • When Can You Return to Work After Breast Augmentation?

The guidelines for when you can return to work will vary depending on the type of job you have and its physical demands. Generally, you will need to avoid upper arm movements for the first two weeks and lifting anything heavier than five pounds for six weeks.

  • How Do You Choose the Best Implant Size?

Choosing the right size for your implants is often one of the most challenging but important decisions. Dr. Reid will work with you during your consultation to help you determine which breast size you desire. Each patient’s body is different.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid can explain more to help you decide if this surgery would be the best choice for you. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss the benefits of breast surgery.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants: How Do They Compare?

If you feel like your breasts are too small for your frame or asymmetrical, breast augmentation may be helpful to you. This highly customizable surgery can improve the appearance of your bust along with the overall contours of the body. Breast surgery is highly transformative but the decision to have it isn’t one to make casually. If you’re considering breast augmentation at our Vancouver area office, there are some important decisions you’ll need to make. The first choice you may have to make is which type of implant you should have. There are two types of implant fillings: saline and silicone. If you’re planning on improving the size and shape of your breasts, you may be unsure whether saline implants or silicone implants would be the better option for you. Here are some factors you should consider if you want to make a smart decision.

Both of these implant types are safe and FDA-approved. The main difference between saline and silicone implants is the material that they contain. Silicone is an inert gel that has no known human allergies. Many patients believe that silicone implants look and feel more natural than saline ones. Silicone is a more viscous, cohesive material with a gummy bear-like texture that flows differently, and silicone implants are soft to the touch while saline implants feel firmer. The silicone gel has a texture that is more similar to fat than saline implants.

Additionally, saline implants have a rounder appearance while saline implants have more natural-looking curves. Saline implants have the consistency of water, and sometimes their folds can be seen or felt easily under very thin skin. One thing to consider when you are choosing an implant type is what could happen if a rupture occurred. If a saline implant ruptures, the saltwater solution is safely absorbed into the body, and you will notice the rupture quickly as the size and shape of the implants will change. On the other hand, silicone implant ruptures can often be more difficult to detect. The breasts may hold their shape and the silicone material leaks into surrounding tissues.

Learn more about breast augmentation from the Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss breast surgery.

What Should You Know Before Having Liposuction?

Even if we’re in good shape, almost everyone has at least one problem area they wish they could address. It’s difficult to achieve the ideal body shape if genetics or hormonal factors make you have the tendency to store more fat on specific areas. Liposuction is what our Vancouver area-based office of Dr. Owen Reid usually recommends for patients who are slim but just want to reduce some excess fat from isolated areas for a more balanced body shape. The great thing about liposuction is that it directly suctions away fat cells from specific areas and once the fat is gone, it can’t return. Even if you were to gain weight in the future, the areas that were treated with liposuction will be proportionally smaller compared to the ones that weren’t treated. Liposuction is a more simple, straightforward option compared to many other forms of plastic surgery, however that doesn’t mean you should take the decision to have this surgery lightly. If you’re planning on undergoing liposuction, here are some things you should be aware of.

  • Liposuction Won’t Address Loose or Excess Skin

Sometimes the problem areas on your body that you’re self-conscious about are caused by a combination of loose, sagging skin and excess fat. Although liposuction suctions the unwanted fat, it won’t do anything to correct the loose skin. In fact, if you have lots of excess, sagging skin, liposuction can sometimes make it look worse. It’s better consider other procedures such as a tummy tuck if you have sagging skin. The best candidates are those who have maintained some skin elasticity and don’t have much cellulite.

  • It's Not a Weight Loss Surgery

It’s a common myth that liposuction makes you lose weight. The truth is that liposuction is only intended for patients who are at or close to their goal body weight. It’s intended for those who just have one or a few small problem areas, not as a treatment for overweight or obesity. Chances are, you’ll only lose between two to five pounds at most. However, you’ll lose inches and fit better in clothing.

For more details about liposuction, contact the Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation if you would like to discuss plastic surgery and start planning your procedure.